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Newsletter August 2016

Catch up with the latest news in CUBE with our eNewsletter covering what we’ve been up to in July and August. Just click the link below and enjoy the read! eNewsletter August 2016 To receive our future newsletters click ‘subscribe’ and enter your email address.

A Fond Farewell to Bridget

“On behalf of CUBE I  want to express my personal appreciation for the time Bridget has worked with us. Bridget has spent almost 12 years with CUBE and in that time she has shown herself to be diligent, humorous and very committed to her job. While we are sorry to see her leave, we wish her

Customer Stats You Need To Know

Do you tell more people about a negative experience you’ve had with a business than you do when you have a good experience? Check out these stats below;

Hoteliers, are you making a good impression?

Everyday new guests arrive at your hotel. What do they expect and how can you meet and exceed these expectations? Guests are looking for memorable experiences and services, so make sure they discover the same excellence from your printed collateral. With competition among hotels increasing, the challenge is to stand

Newsletter June 2016

Catch up with the latest news in CUBE with our June eNewsletter. Just click the link below and enjoy the read! eNewsletter June 2016 To receive our future newsletters click ‘subscribe’ and enter your email address.